The essence of life develops within the protection of our home planet. As far as we know, the Earth remains unique in its ability to cultivate, support, and sustain a multitude of living organisms. The specific chemical balances, thermal conditions, and gravitational forces coalesced in the emergence of life, and has refined itself over millions of years. Cradled in its arms, we live and die to the Earth’s constant vibrational forces, and from the moment of fertilization, these often imperceptible resonances push and pull life’s development. Connections can easily be drawn between the natural resonances of the Earth and our biological processes - behavioral patterns, brain states, and sleep cycles, for instance. The natural vibrations of the Earth, as David First proposes, create “a beautiful construction to wax poetic about - our imperfect earthly existence reaching perfection somewhere in the heavens” (The Music of the Sphere 2003).
It is our imperfect earthly existence within this protective blue sphere that my sound art piece, Formations, aims to examine. How does the oscillation of all things on a macro and microcosmic scale generate the patterns of our environment and selves? A universal reverberating resonance flows through us – ancient matter exploded into a vibrational frenzy that eventually formed galaxies, stars, planets, and our very existence. That same resonance continues to generate endless pulsations in, around, and through all life as we know it.